Refund Policy

Booking, Terms & Conditions

The organisation/individual/company who completes the booking form is subject to the booking and cancellation terms and conditions.

The person/s attending the course is/are responsible for providing the correct details so that Read The Signs CIC can contact the individual directly. Not providing the correct information may result in the individual/s being unable to access the training, and Read The Signs CIC cannot be held accountable. Any costs incurred because of failure to provide the correct information will be the responsibility of the organisation/individual/company.


Once a training date/s has been agreed, the organisation/individual/company is obligated to transfer the invoice to their finance department and secure prompt payment. Terms and conditions of payment, all payments need to be complete 7 working days before training commencement date. Any late payments may incur a fine.

Online Training needs to be paid in full via the Book When booking link or via Bank Transfer at time of booking. (Resources and manuals will NOT be sent out until payment is received) 

Cancellation of course/s

Read The Signs CIC reserves the right to cancel/delay the course at short notice. Should Read The Signs CIC cancel the course, the client will be offered an alternative course or a full refund. Read The Signs CIC cannot be held accountable/liable for any costs the client may incur in arranging travel and/or accommodation should Read The Signs CIC cancel the course/s. Should the organisation/individual/company cancel the agreed training, this should be confirmed through a formal letter or email.


Costs are subject to the following charges (plus any costs already incurred by Read The Signs CIC):

Virtual courses and In-person courses: 30 days’ notice for full refund. No refund if less than 14 days before event. 50% refund 14 to 29 calendar days prior to commencement of the course.

In the case of costs being incurred by Read The Signs CIC and retained at the point of cancellation, Read The Signs CIC will evidence copies of any documentation/receipts and make them available to the organisation/individual/company.

Conditions of cancelling due to illness/absence of participants

If you (the participant/s) should suffer illness on the day of the course, you must contact the trainer as soon as possible via email or text on or before the training day to confirm your non-attendance. We (Read The Signs CIC) are not obliged to provide alternative training. Sickness/absence will be classed as cancellation on day one and is subject to 100% course fee cost. Read The Signs CIC can offer an alternative date or time. You will be informed in advance of accepting the alternative dates if any additional charges are to be incurred. 

Should the organisation/individual/company wish to transfer onto an alternative course date prior to their original course date, the request must be put in writing and must be made at least 30 days prior to commencement of the course. 

Should you wish to transfer your booking to another person, you must email the name, email address and mobile number of the person taking the place at least 24 hours before Day One of the course.

It will be the responsibility of the organisation/individual/company to ensure that the new participant has also received any manuals and resources that were sent to the original participant in time for the commencement of the course. Read The Signs CIC reserves the right to change the Booking and Cancellation Policy. Any changes will become effective immediately.